COVID-19 Guidelines
As the Government guidelines are still allowing face-to-face work, I am still able to offer sessions in my room. However, please be aware that if the guidelines change at all, we will need to re-consider how we continue our work together. For now, please read the guidelines below outlining what will be expected of both of us.
• Please arrive on time for your session – if you arrive early please don’t buzz until your appointment time. This is to ensure that there is no cross-over of clients and gives me time to do some cleaning between clients.
• The furniture in the room has been rearranged so there is now 2 metres distance between counsellor and client.
• Please sanitise your hands once you arrive. If you would like to wear a face mask they are available in the room – I will not be wearing a face mask.
• If you develop any of the COVID-19 symptoms or if you feel unwell please do not attend the session. I will of course do the same and will let you know in advance if I can’t attend a session.
• If anyone in your household, or anyone you have come in contact with, develops COVID-19 please let me know – I will of course do the same.
• Please bring your own water.
If you would like more information on the official guidelines here is the link to the BACP website: https://www.bacp.co.uk/news/news-from-bacp/coronavirus/faqs-about-coronavirus/